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University Hospitals Releases UH Vaccine Playbook


CLEVELAND – University Hospitals has created a comprehensive resource for people who are still deciding whether they want to receive a COVID-19 vaccine. The UH Vaccine Playbook serves as a guide for those who are not yet “vaccine ready.” The information, presented clearly and concisely, from one trusted local source, aims to educate the reader to help them make the best decision for themselves and their family.

The UH Vaccine Playbook is a free, downloadable toolkit designed to address the most important questions surrounding COVID-19 vaccines. Even though vaccines are now widely available, some people are still gathering data before deciding whether to move forward. The internet holds an endless amount of information, which can confuse or frustrate people who are still seeking answers.

“People were asking to hear from UH, their local healthcare system, their personal doctor,” said Joan Zoltanski, MD, who leads the UH Healthy Restart efforts. “Our goal with the UH Vaccine Playbook is to take all of the scientific information, distill the most important factors and explain the vaccines in a way that’s easy to digest, ensuring that people receive the right message and good guidance.”

Created by subject matter experts at UH, the 19-page UH Vaccine Playbook answers these common questions and more:

  • How do vaccines make us well?
  • How were these vaccines developed so fast?
  • What are the different kinds of vaccines?
  • How do I know these vaccines are safe?
  • How do I know these vaccines are right for me?
  • What about the virus variants?

The UH Vaccine Playbook was designed to be distributed by community leaders, who many people trust during times of uncertainty. As the pandemic progresses, more groups are taking on the responsibility of distributing vaccine information, including homeless shelters, schools, workplaces and churches. Mayors, city councilpersons, non-profit leaders, pastors, doctors, managers, community activists, PTO presidents and others can share this resource with those seeking information in their circles.

“We know there are a significant number of people who are not ready to be vaccinated. This is our focus,” said Dr. Zoltanski. “We want to provide people with the most helpful information in the easiest format possible to help them make the best decision.”

The UH Vaccine Playbook joins the UH Healthy Restart Playbook and the UH Rainbow Healthy Restart Playbook for Reopening Schools as another free, comprehensive resource for the community providing education and promoting safety during the COVID-19 pandemic.

The materials and resources provided by UH in the UH Vaccine Playbook are not intended as a substitute for following applicable federal, state, or local laws, regulations or guidelines and should not be used as a replacement for medical or legal advice. This information is continuing to develop as scientists, physicians and epidemiologists study it and the information in this playbook is current as of the last update.

The UH Vaccine Playbook is viewable online as well as downloadable and printable.


