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Bert and Iris Wolstein

University Hospitals Receives $15 million from Iris S. and the late Bert L. Wolstein to Advance Academic Mission

Gift will catalyze construction of new education and conference center at UH Cleveland Medical Center.

Oxford-Harrington Rare Disease. Centre

The Oxford-Harrington Rare Disease Centre Announces Newly Funded Grant Award Programs to Develop New Therapies for Friedreich’s Ataxia

Philanthropic donation of up to £650,000 (approx. $823,000 USD) will enable the launch of two new grant award programs to support the research and development of greatly needed therapeutics for Friedreich’s Ataxia (FA).

Roe Green

$2 million Grant from The Roe Green Foundation Catalyzes Multidisciplinary Research Building in Uganda

Case Western Reserve and University Hospitals solidify partnership on global health initiative.

St. John ED Entrance

$6.5 Million Legacy Gift Enhances Emergency Medicine across University Hospitals

Among the largest dedicated to emergency medicine, the gift provides critical support for current needs and endowed positions.

Dee and Jimmy Haslam

UH Receives $20 Million Gift to Launch Haslam Sports Innovation Center

Unprecedented initiative from Dee and Jimmy Haslam is dedicated to transforming sports medicine through innovation for professional and recreational athletes.

University Hospitals Receives $5 Million from Lake Health Foundation to Support Patient Care in Lake County

Gift celebrates Lake Health Foundation’s 40-year history of community health investment

UH Receives $10 Million From The Veale Foundation to Address Health Care's Largest Issues

Emphasis will be on defining, clarifying and prioritizing problems as well as finding, testing, and scaling solutions to benefit patients.

$15 Million Gift from Robert J. Jursich, Sr. will Fuel the Mission of University Hospitals Rainbow Babies & Children’s

Transformational support will help change and save young lives for generations to come.

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