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Emergency Medicine

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University Hospitals Announces New Urgent Care Facility in Solon

Convenient location increases patient access to care, first location to offer occupational health services.

St. John ED Entrance

$6.5 Million Legacy Gift Enhances Emergency Medicine across University Hospitals

Among the largest dedicated to emergency medicine, the gift provides critical support for current needs and endowed positions.

University Hospitals and City of Richmond Heights Launch Paramedicine Program

Joint initiative focuses on prevention and directly addresses health disparities.

UH Lake West Medical Center Verified a Level 3 Trauma Center by the State of Ohio

Rigorous two-day verification visit by American College of Surgery (ACS) in August of this year found UH Lake West Medical Center met the criteria standards.

University Hospitals Increases Distribution of Naloxone Amid Continuing Opioid Epidemic

Making the medication naloxone widely available remains a key strategy in fighting the opioid epidemic.

UH Launches Program to Distribute Lifesaving Cardiac Defibrillators in Northeast Ohio Schools

'AEDin3' program is a collaboration with the Cleveland Browns, Browns Cornerback Denzel Ward’s “Make Them Know Your Name” Foundation and powered by Kaulig Companies.

University Hospitals Awarded Federal Grant to Assist with U.S. Military Readiness

Funding will enhance caregivers’ abilities to save lives through additional staffing support in UH's Level 1 trauma center, while at the same time promoting trauma training for military health care personnel.

Trauma Center at UH Rainbow Babies & Children's Hospital Hits 30-year Milestone

UH Rainbow receives re-verification of level 1 pediatric trauma center distinction.

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