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Parkinson's Disease
Showing of 3 results

University Hospitals Selected as Study Site for the Black and African American Connections to Parkinson’s Disease (BLAAC PD) Study
BLAAC PD is an initiative of GP2 in a dedicated effort to better understand the genetic basis of Parkinson’s disease (PD) among underrepresented populations by genotyping more than 150,000 individuals from around the world.
2/1/2024 By Ansley Kelm
UH Neurological Institute and CWRU Studying if Skin Biopsies Contain Clues to Lewy Body Dementia in Parkinson’s Disease and Dementia with Lewy Bodies
Researchers from University Hospitals and Case Western Reserve University hope to discover if skin or tissue samples can be used to distinguish Lewy body dementia from other types of dementia.
7/1/2021 By Ansley Kelm
Appendix Removal Associated with Development of Parkinson's Disease
Data from 62 million records explores relationship between the gut and the nervous system disorder.
5/9/2019 By UH Media Relations