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Government Relations

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University Hospitals Rainbow Babies & Children’s Sickle Cell Disease Patient to Represent the Hospital in Washington, DC

During the 2024 Children’s Hospital Association Family Advocacy Day Canaan Evans and his mom, Arenda will discuss their experience of participating in a clinical trial and undergoing an investigational treatment he says changed his life.

Patti DePompei

Patti DePompei, RN, MSN, Participates in First CMS Convening on Maternal Health in Washington, DC

President of UH Rainbow and MacDonald Women’s hospitals shared her perspective in a panel discussion “Sustaining a Diverse Maternity Care Workforce”.

University Hospitals Comprehensive Stroke Program Recognized at Ohio Statehouse

COLUMBUS – The Ohio Senate today honored University Hospitals’ nationally recognized stroke program for giving access to efficient, high-quality stroke treatment in communities across Northeast Ohio. A delegation of physicians, stroke experts and...

University Hospitals Receives $9.1 Million Under Medicare Shared Savings Program

University Hospitals Coordinated Care Organization, the hospital’s Medicare Accountable Care Organization (ACO), saved Medicare over $20 million by meeting quality and cost goals.

Declaring Racism a Public Health Crisis

University Hospitals supports the Cleveland City Council resolution that declares racism a public health crisis.

Portman Secures Key CMS Change to Ensure UH Rainbow Babies & Childrens Hospital Can Expand and Treat More Children

Ruling change will lift arcane restrictions on certain children’s hospitals from expanding their bed counts, UH Rainbow included.

UH Rainbow Babies & Children’s Hospital Receives $3 Million to Establish Pediatric Disaster Care Center of Excellence

Grant will create the Eastern Great Lakes Pediatric Consortium for Disaster Response (EGLPCDR), one of only two Pediatric Disaster Care Centers of Excellence in the country.

University Hospitals Applauds HHS' Proposal to Modernize Rules and Enhance Value-Based Care

Reforms to the Physician Self-Referral Law (the “Stark Law”) and the Federal Anti-Kickback Statute generates support from UH leadership.

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