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Dear Neighbors: A Message from Northeast Ohio Health Systems


Dear Neighbors,

As we approach the final weeks of the year, let’s pause to reflect on all that we have been through as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. Each of us has been changed and affected personally and professionally. Our communities, and indeed our world, have been changed.

We’ve made it to this point together. And that is exactly the reason for this message.

We start with pride for our caregiving teams who make patient care their top priority. Our gratitude goes to caregivers at the bedside and those behind the scenes who make our health systems succeed every day of every year.

We also extend our sincere thanks to those who have been steadfast in following the recommended guidelines to help slow the spread of COVID-19. You have been on the front lines in your communities each day, wearing masks in public and keeping physical distance. We see your efforts and are grateful for your support.

As vaccines are approved and distributed in the coming days, weeks and months, we have reason to be hopeful. We are confident that vaccines will slow the pandemic and help bring about its end, but until that day, we must continue:

  • Wearing a mask when with other people who don’t live in your home
  • Washing hands frequently
  • Keeping physical distance
  • Staying home when sick
  • Getting a flu shot

Those actions are in our control and effective. Choosing to follow the guidelines has helped your families, friends and the broader community stay healthy.

We thank you for your persistence and ask that you continue these efforts, even during the upcoming holidays and celebrations.

Making sacrifices is not easy, but it is critically important as we work to better control – and eventually extinguish – this pandemic.

We have come a long way in fighting COVID-19, but our work is not done. If we stay vigilant and strong, we will have the opportunity to celebrate many special events and holidays to come.

