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University Hospitals Samaritan Medical Center Achieves Level II Cath Lab Designation

Designation allows more procedures to be performed in cardiac catheterization laboratory.

UH Lake West Medical Center Verified a Level 3 Trauma Center by the State of Ohio

Rigorous two-day verification visit by American College of Surgery (ACS) in August of this year found UH Lake West Medical Center met the criteria standards.

Multiple UH Hospitals Receive Recognition with Accreditation from The American College of Cardiology

UH Harrington Heart & Vascular Institute programs have proven exceptional competency in treating patients with chest pain and heart attack symptoms.

Hampson Mole Breast Health Suite at UH Elyria Medical Center Recognized for Achieving NAPBC Accreditation

UH Elyria is the only hospital in Lorain County with this nationally accredited breast cancer care.

ACC Certification

Five UH Emergency Departments Recognized for Excellence with ACC Certification

Facilities provide same expert heart care as emergency departments at established hospital.

UH Parma Medical Center Granted Provisional Adult Level III Trauma Status by the State of Ohio

Verification ensures that patients with traumatic injuries of minor to moderate acuity can be treated at the hospital.

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