Pain management
Showing of 6 results

University Hospitals Now Offering Ultra-Minimally Invasive Endoscopic Spine Surgery for Patients Experiencing Back Pain
UH is the only health system in the Greater Cleveland area offering this unique surgery for herniated discs.
University Hospitals Expands Options for Patients Struggling with Chronic Pain
Comprehensive Pain Center at UH Parma Medical Center treats the whole person.
UH Connor Integrative Health Network to Study Acupuncture in the ED
Study could lead to reduced utilization of opioids for pain.
Integrative Medicine Ends Patient's Months-long Battle with Pain
Different approach leads to patient discontinuing opioids for pain.
University Hospitals Awarded $1.2 Million in Aggregate from Ohio Opioid Technology Challenge for Developing Technology Solution that Helps Mitigate the Opioid Epidemic
UH Care Continues kept more than 12,000 opioid pills out of circulation in just six months.
Common Antidepressants Interact with Common Opioid Medication to Lessen Pain Relief, Study Finds
Findings could help explain certain apparent opioid drug-seeking behavior and opioid overuse.
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