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Zero Harm

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Peter Pronovost, MD

UH Helps Author Patient Safety Report for President Biden

UH provides only health system member on President’s Council of Advisors on Science and Technology (PCAST) Working Group on Patient Safety

Enhanced Recovery After Surgery Program at UH Recognized with Patient Engagement Best Practice Award

Ohio Hospital Association acknowledges University Hospitals' innovative program for improving outcomes and lowering costs.

New Commentary Paper Highlights Costs of Defects in Surgical Care and Calls for Elimination of Defects in Value

A well-designed and well-executed holistic approach to eliminating defects in surgical care through creation of Centers of Excellence has potential to simultaneously decrease costs and increase value.

UH Continues to Lead in Value, Based on Recent Results from the Medicare Shared Savings Program

For saving Medicare $22 million, UH receives 100 percent quality score and sees $8.8 million payment.

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