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UH Rainbow Babies & Children's Type 1 Diabetes Patient Represents the Hospital in Washington, DC

During the 2023 Children’s Hospital Association Family Advocacy Day Ethan Kanderski and his family will discuss his health journey.

UH and The Diabetes Link Develop Financial Literacy Toolkit to Help Fight Type 1 Diabetes

$2.25 million from The Leona M. and Harry B. Helmsley Charitable Trust will fund effort targeted to young adults to improve health outcomes.

UH Nationally Recognized for Efforts to Reduce Uncontrolled Blood Pressure to Battle Diabetes, Heart Disease and Stroke

Awards from the American Heart Association, American Medical Association, and American Diabetes Association laud University Hospitals' focus on some of the most common and devastating conditions plaguing the health of Americans today.

UH Harrington Heart & Vascular Institute Limb Salvage Advisory Council Diverts Patients from Amputation and Improves Outcomes

Findings published in American Heart Association’s Circulation: Cardiovascular Interventions

SomaLogic Announces Strategic Collaboration with University Hospitals Cleveland Medical Center to Treat Diabetic Patients at High Risk of Cardiovascular Disease

BOULDER, Colo. —SomaLogic (NASDAQ: SLGC), a leader in data-driven proteomics technology, has announced a strategic collaboration with one of the nation’s leading academic medical centers, University Hospitals Cleveland Medical Center, where...

New Study Finds Therapeutic Treatment Option for Metabolic Syndrome, Obesity

Research team from Harrington Discovery Institute at University Hospitals proves successful use of “anti-obesity” drug in pre-clinical animal models.

Serious Complications from Youth-onset Type 2 Diabetes Arise by Young Adulthood

Findings from a University Hospitals Rainbow Babies & Children’s Hospital study underscore importance of early, intensive treatment.

Research Team Aims to Determine Which Diabetic Individuals can Successfully Donate Corneas for Transplant (and Which Should Not)

University Hospitals researchers are involved with a study supported by a five-year, $6.4 million grant from the National Eye Institute of NIH.

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